On June 10th, 2024, at 7pm, over 170+ men gathered st Christ Is King Church at 8635 Callaghan Road, San Antonio, Texas!! SABWB assembled a speaking team consisting of local Pastors Matthew Bell, Joe Morales, Anthony Walker and yours truly. Bro Art Silva and his team brought out Big Grizz, a 16-foot grill, and prepared mouth-watering brisket sandwiches along with chips, cookies and a drink. While fellowshipping around this tasty meal, the men were challenged from Holy Scripture to improve their serve and increase their potential impact in their families, Churches, communities and city!! Masculinity is not toxic, and manhood can never be confused with womanhood. The comments they gave at the end of the evening were strong evidence that they thoroughly enjoyed their time together, they were inspired to be more Christ-like and they were eager to attend the next meetup!! Stay tuned! We look forward to gathering with other men’s fellowship groups from many parts of our city which are already building great men!!